Seo ē deire leagaint amach grianghafanna
de dhaoine i mBoston 1983-87 a raibh baint acu leis An Rinn. Thá an mhórchuid
imithe ar Shlī na Fīrinne anois. Suaimhneas Dé go raibh acu.
This is the end of the presentation of
photos of people in Boston 1983-87 with Ring connections. The majority of those
portrayed have passed on by now. May they rest in peace.
Máire (Drummey)
Taylor ; Bill Ryan |
Máire (Drummey) Taylor ; Gavin Taylor |
Nick Troy and Julia Troy |
Walter Troy ;
Johnny Morrissey ; Doris (Morrissey) Nigro |
Nick Walsh ; Pāid
Ó Cuirrǐn ; Nicky Troy
Maurice Curran ;
Johanna Curran |