This is the home place of the late great ‘Sean-nos’, singer
Nioclás Ó
Tóibín...(Nicholas Tobin)
Nioclás is
recoginised nationwise as being one of the great stylists of the
Séan - Nos.
The term ‘Sean-nos’ (in the old way) as applied to traditional singing in the Irish Language, encompasses a style of singing, which is rooted in the Gaeltacht regions of the country.The stone was placed at the
enterance to his home some years after his passing.

A fisherman's cottage at
Cottage at Upper
Wonderful original stone wall at upper
Helvick Lichen-covered. The lichen species here include white (whitish-gray) (Xanthoparmelia Cumberlandia)
Also on the boulder are small patches of red (Caloplaca) All indicate a very healthy environment

Lobster pots at Helvick