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This very interesting photo features Cummins Shop in O’Connell Street. I remember it well (not in the particular period that the photo was taken!) when I was a messenger boy at Michéal Power’s Shop and Public house which stood on the opposite side of the street and just next door to Queally’s. There are a number of interesting aspects to the picture. There are eleven people pictured. This suggests quite a busy establishment. Lino for the stairs, displayed on the side walk... Mats and several types of Linen & clothing can be seen displayed in the window...along with what look like maids white aprons! Close inspection of the street fronting the premises reveal a clay and stony surface. All photos in this article are (c) from a private Collection
The stations of the Cross which were designed and made by Liam, pictured prior to being mounted

Another interesting thing about this photo is the man standing third from the left; his name is Liam Ó Miadacáin (Liam Meehan) Liam came originally from Mount Stuart to work at Cummins Shop in O’Connell Street. The name will also be familiar to Abbeyside people because Liam Meehan from Murphy Place is Ó Miadacáin’s nephew. Readers will also be familiar with Ó Miadacáin’s Daughter, Maire Connery of Park Terrace Dungarvan & his son Eammon Meehan, who also lives in Dungarvan. Liam died in 1960, aged 86, leaving behind a legacy both cultural & social which will continue to stand as a

Here the couple ran a thriving business for many years. His talents however went much further than that. The results and evidence of his artistic abilities are still evident in Ring and indeed in other counties today. Liam was a very talented artist and was responsible for designing, everything from mortuary cards to graveyard headstones. He had had a particular interest in Celtic design, which was put to use widely in its various formats. Liam was called on numerous times to design displays for important and various events. He was always keen to oblige. Some of his most rewarding efforts were the design of the Stations of the Cross for Ring Church which can be seen there at present. Another unique feature is the local landmark at Helvick; the Erin's Hope Monument. The monument which was designed by Liam stands as a tribute to his memory. He also designed the unique family home and here his likeness for Celtic design can be seen on the exterior wall surrounding the house.
His artistic abilities did not stop here; he also designed furniture, some with a Celtic flavour, much of which survives today. Liam was also a contributor to cannon Power’s ‘Place names of the Decies’ Indeed, the final revision in the updated edition was carried out by Liam and a number of place names were added to the cannon’s place names of the Decies by him. He was also in great demand for designing and creating illuminations in art form. An excellent piece hangs in the hall at Ring College and is well worth a visit. Liam was also involved in the Gaelic league and held classes in the town hall Dungarvan. The document on the right was written by Liam the translation goes as follows:

Transalation to the document -left.
(c) private collection
On the proposal of Liam Ó Míod
Seconded by Dan Fraher
"This being the motion:-
That it was with great sadness we - the members of Conradh na Gaeilge in Dungarvan - heard of the death of Máire Paor (Mary Power) who helped us so strongly and enthusiastically for [on behalf of] the language since the Branch was founded here.Since God chose to take her from her family in the bloom of her youth, we offer our sympathy to them at this time of hardship.
This wonderful Tom Tobin picture (below)portrays certain mischievousness on the Part of Liam. It was taken at Ring College and there is no mistaking the mischievous glint in his eye as he gazes at the camera from over the shoulder of Eamon De Valera.

A waxed moustache always perfectly displayed. Other familiar faces in the picture will be known to readers.
This is just a brief profile of a man who has contributed so much energy to the h

(c)Eddie Cantwell, 2010

The official opening of Liam’s monument at Ring , Liam on the Lorry